
Dr Munye

Somalia on brink of another famine, United Nations warns


With their escape route to the United States endangered by the orders of President Donald Trump, the people of Somalia now face a new threat: a looming famine that could bring starvation to millions. Just six years after a famine that killed a quarter of a mil... More »

Keep off Mombasa politics, Somalis tell Duale, back Joho


The Somali community in Mombasa has asked Aden Duale to stop meddling in politics in the county led by Hassan Joho. Chairman Abdulrahman Yusuf said Duale, who is National Assembly Majority leader and Garissa Town MP, cannot “dictate” who the community should v... More »

Kaameruun oo ku guuleysatay koobka Qaramada Africa


Kaameruun ayaa soo afjartay 15 sano oo ay sugaysay in ay Koobka Qaramada Afrika mar kale hanato Kaameruun oo gool lagu lahaa markii hore ayaa boodhka iska jaftay oo ciyaartii kama dambaysta ahayd Masar kaga badisay 2-1 iyagoo hantay koobkii shanaad ee Qaramada... More »

Mashaariicda horumarineed e Jasiiradaha Bajun


Wasiir kuxigeenka wasaaradda Kheyraadka Badda  Mudane Cumar Xasan Obo aya kala qaybgalay odeydhaqamedyada Jasiiradaha Bajun , hirgelinta mashaariic horumarineed o isugu jira : t dowmaha ku so xirtaan , dugsi iyo kwa kale o dhammantood laga hirgeliyay jasiiradd... More »